USA BU Special Data The Redirect Path extension

The Redirect Path extension

With Check My Links, SEO specialists can easily identify broken links and fix them to improve user experience and page authority.  This extension is available for free on the Chrome Web Store. Extensions for Technical SEO Web page loading speed is an important factor in user experience and search engine rankings. There are several The Redirect Path Chrome extensions that can help improve the loading speed of web pages. PageSpeed ​​Insights PageSpeed ​​Insights is a Chrome extension that analyzes the loading speed of a web page and provides suggestions for improving it.


This extension uses Google’s

I don’t use it because I just need to use a bookmarklet The Redirect Path that I also included in the Just Another SEO extension. pagespeed test seo extension   guidelines for web page optimization and provides an overall score based on web page performance. PageSpeed ​​Job Seekers Number Data Insights also provides specific suggestions for improving web page loading speed, such as compressing images, reducing HTTP requests, and minifying CSS and JavaScript code. Web Developer web developers extension Web Developer is a must for anyone who works online, not just SEO. Allows you to disable javascript, cookies, css and much more. Very useful for doing .


Hreflang Tag Checker Hreflang

 Special Data

SEO checks and audits of client sites.  Tag Checker is a great and Italy WhatsApp Number List country of destination of the page. Hreflang Tag Checker allows you to check the presence of hreflang tags and identify any errors.  Wappalyzer wappalyzer extension Wappalyzer is an SEO analysis tool that allows you to analyze a competitor’s website. With this extension, developers can find out what technologies are used on the website, such as domain, CSS, and JavaScript.

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